As we sit, Mankind faces two major hurdles - to meet ever increasing energy demands, while addressing the Global Warming conundrum. Centuries of exploitation, have depleted our natural and mineral resources to the point of no return. But, change is in the air, or in this case, the Sun.
Solar Power Generation is THE solution. It is green, self sustaining, scalable, and smart money.
investing in this sector is now.
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Featured model: Charlize Theron
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Featured model: Charlize Theron
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Featured model: Charlize Theron
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Featured model: Charlize Theron
  Off Grid Power Projects A majority of rural India is still reliant on shoddy to nonexistent infrastructure. According to recent surveys, up to 15% of this demographic have no access to any forms of electrification. With our economy being heavily agrarian and unregulated, the loss in ‘real value’ cannot be calculated.
Ironically, India’s geographical location makes it ideal for Stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems (SPV). The range of use of SPVs in this segment is huge and untapped. RenEn has experience in setting up and taking forward various small to mid size projects in this area.
       RenEn Solar Pvt. Ltd. 2012.